Istanbul E-pass kalebet Topkapi Palace Tour sareng Tiket Éntri (Skip jalur tikét) sareng Panungtun Profesional anu nyarios basa Inggris. Pikeun detil, mangga pariksa "Jam & Rapat".
Poé Minggu |
Tur Times |
Senén |
09:00, 11:00, 13:45, 14:45, 15:30 |
Salasa |
Istana ditutup |
Wednesdays |
09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:45, 15:30 |
Kemis |
09:00, 10:00, 11:15, 12:00, 13:15, 14:15, 14:45, 15:30 |
Jumaah |
09:00, 10:00, 10:45, 12:00, 13:00, 13:45, 14:30, 15:30 |
Saptu |
09:00, 10:15, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 13:45, 15:00, 15:30 |
Sundays |
09:00, 10:15, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 |
Topkapi Istana Istanbul
Éta musium panggedéna di Istanbul. Lokasi karaton aya di tukangeun Hagia Sophia di puseur kota bersejarah Istanbul. Asalna dipaké karaton éta imah pikeun Sultan; kiwari, karaton ieu fungsina salaku musium a. Sorotan penting di karaton ieu nyaéta; harem, perbendaharaan, dapur, sareng seueur deui.
Jam sabaraha Istana Topkapi buka?
Buka unggal poé iwal Salasa.
Buka ti 09:00-18:00 (Asupna terakhir jam 17:00)
Di manakah lokasi Istana Topkapi?
Lokasi karaton aya di wewengkon Sultanahmet. Puseur kota bersejarah Istanbul gampang diakses ku angkutan umum.
Ti Wewengkon Kota Tua: Meunang trem T1 ka stasiun trem Sultanahmet. Ti stasiun tram ka karaton téh ngan 5-menit leumpang.
Ti Daérah Taksim: Meunangkeun funicular ti Taksim Square ka Kabatas. Ti Kabatas naek trem T1 ka stasion Sultanahmet. Ti stasiun tram ka karaton téh ngan 5-menit leumpang.
Ti Daérah Sultanahmet: Ieu dina jarak leumpang ti mayoritas hotél di wewengkon.
Sabaraha lami waktos nganjang ka Istana sareng iraha waktos anu pangsaéna?
Anjeun tiasa nganjang ka karaton dina waktos 1-1.5 jam upami anjeun angkat nyalira. Tur dipandu ogé nyokot ngeunaan hiji jam. Aya seueur aula paméran di karaton. Di seuseueurna kamar, nyandak gambar atanapi nyarios dilarang. Bisa jadi sibuk gumantung kana waktu poé. Wayah pangalusna pikeun nganjang ka karaton bakal mimiti isuk. Jaman baheula bakal janten waktos sepi di tempat éta.
Topkapi Istana Sajarah
Sanggeus nalukkeun kota dina 1453, Sultan Mehmed kadua maréntahkeun imah pikeun dirina. Kusabab bumi ieu bakal janten tempat kulawarga karajaan, éta mangrupikeun konstruksi anu lega. Pangwangunan dimimitian dina 2s sarta réngsé ku 1460. Ieu ngan inti karaton dina periode mimiti. Unggal Sultan Ottoman anu cicing di karaton, engké, maréntahkeun extension anyar dina wangunan ieu.
Ku sabab kitu, pangwangunan dituluykeun nepi ka Sultan panungtungan anu cicing di Istana ieu. Sultan pamungkas anu cicing di ieu karaton nyaéta Abdulmecit anu ka-1. Dina mangsa pamaréntahanana, anjeunna masihan paréntah pikeun karaton anyar. Ngaran karaton anyar éta Istana Dolmabahce. Sanggeus karaton anyar diwangun dina 1856, kulawarga karajaan dipindahkeun ka Istana Dolmabahce. Istana Topkapi masih tiasa dianggo dugi ka runtuhna kakaisaran. Kulawarga karajaan sok ngagunakeun karaton pikeun acara-acara upacara. Kalayan deklarasi Républik Turki, status karaton robah jadi musium.
Émbaran umum ngeunaan Museum
There are two entrances to this Palace. The main entrance is behind the Hagia Sophia near the beautiful 17th-century fountain of Sultan Ahmet the 3rd. The second entrance is lower on the hill near the Gulhane tram station. The second entrance is also the entrance to the Archaeological Museums of Istanbul. From both of the entries, you can proceed to museum ticket offices.
Where Does the Museum Start?
The second gate of the palace is where the museum starts. To be able to pass the second gate, you either need a ticket or an Istanbul E-pass. At both of the entry gates, there is a security check. Before using the tickets, there is a final security check, and you enter the museum.
What Can You Find in the Second Garden?
In the second garden of the palace, there are several exhibition halls. After the entry, if you make a right, you will see the Ottoman Empire's map and the model of the palace. You can admire the sheer size of 400,000 square meters with this model.
What Is the Significance of the Imperial Council Hall and Justice Tower?
If you continue to the left from here, you will see the Imperial Council Hall. Until the 19th century, the ministers of the Sultan held their councils here. At the top of the Council Hall, there is the Munara Kaadilan of the palace. The highest tower in the museum is this tower here. Symbolizing the Sultan's justice, this is one of the rare places in the palace visible from the outside. Mothers of the Sultans would be watching their son's coronation from this tower.
What Can You See in the Outer Treasury and Kitchens?
Next to the Council Hall, there is the outer treasury. Today, this building functions as an exhibition hall for ceremonial costumes and weapons. Opposite Divan and Treasury, there are the kitchens of the palace. Once hosting nearly 2000 people, it is one of the most significant sections of the building. Today, the biggest Chinese porcelain collection outside of China is in these palace kitchens.
What Is Special About the Audience Hall?
Once you pass the 3rd garden of the palace, the first thing that you would see is the audience hall of the palace. This was where the Sultan would meet with the heads of other countries. The Sultan's place for meeting with the members of the Council Hall was also in the Audience Hall. You can see one of the Ottoman Sultans' thrones and beautiful silk curtains that once decorated the room today.
What Can You Expect in the Religious Relics Room?
After this room, you can see two highlights of the palace. One is the religious relics room. The second one is the Perbendaharaan Kaisar. In the religious relics room, you can see the beard of Prophet Mohammed, the staff of Moses, the arm of St. John The Baptist, and many more. Most of these items come from Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, and Egypt. As every Ottoman Sultan was also the Caliph of Islam, these objects showed the spiritual power of the Sultan. Taking pictures in this room is not allowed.
What Are the Highlights of the Imperial Treasury?
Opposite the room of religious relics is the Perbendaharaan Kaisar. The Treasury has four rooms, and taking pictures is not allowed here either. The treasury highlights kaasup Spoon-makers Diamond, nu Topkapi Keris, nu gold throne of The Ottoman Sultan, and many more treasures.
What Is in the Fourth Garden?
Once you finish the 3rd garden, you can proceed to the final section of the palace, the taman 4, which was a private area of the Sultan. There are two beautiful kiosks here named after the conquests of two important cities: Yérévan jeung Baghdad. This section offers a stunning view of the Golden Horn Bay.
Where Can You Find the Best Views and Facilities?
For the best pictures, head to the opposite side of the kiosks, where you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the city from the Bosphorus. Aya ogé anu kantin where you can have some drinks, and toilét are available in the restaurant.
Bagian Harem Istana
Harem mangrupikeun musium anu béda dina Istana Topkapi. Cai mibanda fee lawang misah jeung stan tikét. Harem hartina dilarang, swasta, atawa rusiah. Ieu mangrupikeun bagian dimana Sultan cicing sareng anggota kulawarga. Lalaki séjén di luar kulawarga karajaan henteu tiasa lebet kana bagian ieu. Ngan hiji grup lalaki bakal asup ka dieu.
Kusabab ieu mangrupikeun bagian pikeun kahirupan pribadi Sultan, henteu aya catetan ngeunaan bagian ieu. Anu urang terang ngeunaan Harem asalna tina catetan anu sanés. Dapur ngabejaan urang loba ngeunaan Harem. Urang terang sabaraha awéwé kedah di Harem tina rékaman dapur. Numutkeun catetan abad ka-16, aya 200 awéwé di Harem. Bagian ieu kalebet kamar pribadi para Sultan, Ibu Ratu, selir, sareng seueur deui.
The Final Kecap
Istana Topkapi kedah aya dina daptar kunjungan anjeun upami anjeun badé angkat ka Istanbul. Wayah pangalusna pikeun nganjang ka karaton téh mimiti isuk-isuk pas dibuka sabab jadi rame ku grup wisata sakumaha beurang pas. Anjeun rencanana tur hemat? Istanbul E-pass tiasa ngahemat hébat!